Why I volunteer?
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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer at Helping Link

To access volunteer forms press the button below.


Step 1: Volunteer’s Orientation

Step 2: Submit Volunteer Assessment form and Resume


one on one interview with the Executive Director

Next Steps:

  1.  Sign Volunteer Agreement
  2. Sign Non-disclosure Agreement
  3. Complete WA State Background check
  4. Submit two letters of recommendations

Training and ongoing support provided

Expectations-time commitment

    • 1-year commitment [exception for special projects(3-6 months)]
    • 4~6 hours per week

Volunteer Orientation Schedule 2024


Second Tuesday & fourth Wednesday of the month except otherwise indicated

Only ONE Orientation in February, November, and December

January – 9  & 24

July – 9 & 24

February – 28

August – 13 & 28

March – 12 & 27

September – 10 & 25

April – 9 & 24

October – 8 & 23

May – 14 & 29

November – 12

June – 11 & 26

December – 10